Shihan ALILOUCHE Boualem ouvre aux karatekas algériens le chemin vers le japon et vers le haut niveau Dans les arts martiaux japonais, Shihan (師範) est le titre du plus haut niveau, signifiant : Maitre, Modèle ou Guide. Il est attribué uniquement aux instructeurs internationaux maitrisant à la fois l’aspect technique et spirituel de l’art. Shihan ALILOUCHE Boualem reçoit de la Karatenomichi World
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Kizami-zuki kara gyaku
Kizami-zuki kara gyaku-zuki soshite... After warming up and the standard repetitions of stationary chudan gyaku-zuki, and kizami-zuki kara gyaku-zuki, Tachibana Shihan had us once again fire out kizami-zuki kara gyaku-zuki. However, this time, we continued on with a 180 degree turning gyaku-zuki. From this position, keeping the rear foot fixed, we had to stretch our stances for a very long kizami-zuki
addition to Nijushiho kumite no bunkai, my aim is to 'hopefully' apply the principles I am working on in my kihon and kata. Perhaps this is commonsense, however all too often my physical training (kihon, kata and kumite) does not co-ordinate in the way I plan. So this is a target in my next few weeks of kumite training
In addition to Nijushiho kumite no bunkai, my aim is to 'hopefully' apply the principles I am working on in my kihon and kata. Perhaps this is commonsense, however all too often my physical training (kihon, kata and kumite) does not co-ordinate in the way I plan. So this is a target in my next few weeks of kumite training.
This month I’m focusing on the following kata: Kankudai – slow motion practice ('extreme' technical work); Jion (koshi no kaiten and huri-waza); Gojushihodai; Shoteidai; & Kakuyoku-sandan (for these three, precise performance, and street practical oyo-jutsu). I usually include a Tekki or a Kibaken, but this month I’m having a
Ido Kihon
. Tobi konde sanbon ren zuki; 2. Chudan mae geri kara sanbon ren zuki; 3. Mawashi geri kara chudan gyaku zuki; 4. Chudan ushiro geri kara uraken yokomawshi uchi sara ni chudan gyaku zuki; 5. Yoko keage kara yoko kekomi; 6. Jodan age uke kara mae geri sara ni chudan gyaku zuki; 7. Chudan soto ude uke kara yori ashi yoko empi uchi (kiba dachi),
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