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shihan andre bertel 6 dan jka


Kizami-zuki kara gyaku

Kizami-zuki kara gyaku-zuki soshite... After warming up and the standard repetitions of stationary chudan gyaku-zuki, and kizami-zuki kara gyaku-zuki, Tachibana Shihan had us once again fire out kizami-zuki kara gyaku-zuki. However, this time, we continued on with a 180 degree turning gyaku-zuki. From this position, keeping the rear foot fixed, we had to stretch our stances for a very long kizami-zuki

bilal_yoko tobi giri

video_kata_basai dai



bilal_hikim kihon

. KIHON: No technique 'lists' here, but rather the points closely examined, via all of the standard 'core' kihon (that is, the typical Shotokan grading syllabus ido-kihon): (1) Kime



Sensei’s ‘machine gun’ choku zuki from kiba dachi, until total failure. Asai Sensei always reserved this, for the end of his open seminar sessions, to ‘burn out’ your muscles, so you had to punch with snap/joint power. My body shut down, after just over a minute

group karate

club karate 1014 setif _ algere


                                                             kihon, kata and kumite                 



addition to Nijushiho kumite no bunkai, my aim is to 'hopefully' apply the principles I am working on in my kihon and kata. Perhaps this is commonsense, however all too often my physical training (kihon, kata and kumite) does not co-ordinate in the way I plan. So this is a target in my next few weeks of kumite training


My current focus includes Sochin, Nijushiho, Jion and the Joko series. I am utilizing Sochin and Jion to develop 'insertion of power' and smooth transitions. Nijushiho, I'm using for kumite training (oyo/application work). And I am using the Joko series to enhance my junansei (softness) in general.


In addition to Nijushiho kumite no bunkai, my aim is to 'hopefully' apply the principles I am working on in my kihon and kata. Perhaps this is commonsense, however all too often my physical training (kihon, kata and kumite) does not co-ordinate in the way I plan. So this is a target in my next few weeks of kumite training.

kihon and kata

Air karate is not optimal training for self-defence, or ‘real confrontational’ training, and practical application. A quick glance readily establishes that kihon and kata ‘attacking the micro particles floating around in the bamboo dojo’ can never improve ma-ai (distancing) and ‘fight timing’.


This month I’m focusing on the following kata: Kankudai – slow motion practice ('extreme' technical work); Jion (koshi no kaiten and huri-waza); Gojushihodai; Shoteidai; & Kakuyoku-sandan (for these three, precise performance, and street practical oyo-jutsu). I usually include a Tekki or a Kibaken, but this month I’m having a

Ido Kihon

. Tobi konde sanbon ren zuki; 2. Chudan mae geri kara sanbon ren zuki; 3. Mawashi geri kara chudan gyaku zuki; 4. Chudan ushiro geri kara uraken yokomawshi uchi sara ni chudan gyaku zuki; 5. Yoko keage kara yoko kekomi; 6. Jodan age uke kara mae geri sara ni chudan gyaku zuki; 7. Chudan soto ude uke kara yori ashi yoko empi uchi (kiba dachi),

Sonoba kihon

                                      Sonoba kihon1. Chudan choku zuki (kiba dachi); 2. Migi gyaku zuki; 3. Hidari gyaku zuki; 4. Migi mae geri; and 5. Hidari mae geri. Note: Gyaku zuki from tateshuto kamae; & Mae geri from ryo sokumen gedan barai no kamae