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There is nothing worse than seeing kyu graded karate students doing Unsu, Sochin,

  There is nothing worse than seeing kyu graded karate students doing Unsu, Sochin, Gojushiho Sho or some other advanced kata. Yes, perhaps they can athletically emulate the movements, but the technical maturity needed to execute these kata is impossible for karateka without extensive training (usually holding Nidan at “the very earliest”). Using the example of competition in the traditional sense a great Bassai Dai will always beat a “so-so” Chinte. Likewise, a great Bassai Dai will pass the Nidan examination but the mediocre Chinte may not. In the case of kyu examination anything above the syllabus prerequisites will be failed. For example and likewise, if a person taking a traditional Shodan test, performs Nijushiho, they will fail the kata section of their exam. Overall, I think you get the idea…