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Un dos musclé avec la musculation

Le Dos en Musculation

Le Dos en Musculation

1- 1Grand dorsal.
2- Muscle trapèze.
3- Sus épineux.
4- Sous épineux.
5- Petit rond.
6- Grand rond.
7- Humérus.
8- Rhomboïde


I'm really looking forward to teaching the upcoming seminars in Europe in February. However, some people are still emailing me to book places. I am very sorry I cannot help you. Please contact the organisers in either Deutschland or Italia. Still I really appreciate the messages

2001 avec rouiba bachir




My training

Without being exhaustive here are some basic examples from the three aforementioned core foundational techniques: (1) From KIZAMI-ZUKI: age uke, soto-uke, uchi-uke, gedan-barai, uraken yokomawashi-uchi, mae-ashi mawashi-geri and so forth. (2) From GYAKU-ZUKI: essentially any offensive waza from the reverse side. And
(3) From OI-ZUKI: any oi-waza i.e. – mae geri. Also waza employing gyaku-hanmi (reverse half-facing position).

Bachir Rouiba

This teacher  Mr. rouiba bachir, who taught me the art of combat in the sport of karate do and I respect him very

bilal karate

he base techniques of standard karate-do are essentially kizami-zuki (jab punch), gyaku-zuki (reverse punch) and oi-zuki (lunge punch). This is because they are the underlying kihon-waza (insofar as correctly utilising the hips is concerned) and establish `the shortest distance between you and your opponent’ from a natural position. This goes beyond straight-line attacks,