Shihan ALILOUCHE Boualem ouvre aux karatekas algériens le chemin vers le japon et vers le haut niveau Dans les arts martiaux japonais, Shihan (師範) est le titre du plus haut niveau, signifiant : Maitre, Modèle ou Guide. Il est attribué uniquement aux instructeurs internationaux maitrisant à la fois l’aspect technique et spirituel de l’art. Shihan ALILOUCHE Boualem reçoit de la Karatenomichi World
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My training
Without being exhaustive here are some basic examples from the three aforementioned core foundational techniques: (1) From KIZAMI-ZUKI: age uke, soto-uke, uchi-uke, gedan-barai, uraken yokomawashi-uchi, mae-ashi mawashi-geri and so forth. (2) From GYAKU-ZUKI: essentially any offensive waza from the reverse side. And
(3) From OI-ZUKI: any oi-waza i.e. – mae geri. Also waza employing gyaku-hanmi (reverse half-facing position).
(3) From OI-ZUKI: any oi-waza i.e. – mae geri. Also waza employing gyaku-hanmi (reverse half-facing position).
bilal karate
he base techniques of standard karate-do are essentially kizami-zuki (jab punch), gyaku-zuki (reverse punch) and oi-zuki (lunge punch). This is because they are the underlying kihon-waza (insofar as correctly utilising the hips is concerned) and establish `the shortest distance between you and your opponent’ from a natural position. This goes beyond straight-line attacks,
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