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Moi et mon fils I and my son

Moi et mon fils, si Dieu le veut, mon successeur quand il grandit dans le sport de karate
I and my son, God willing, my successor when he grows up in the sport of karate do

moudjahed rezk allah إبني مجاهد رزق الله mon fils

Moi et mon fils, si Dieu le veut, mon successeur quand il grandit dans le sport de karate do

mon fis

kata tekki shodan

Kata & Bunkai/Oyo-jutsu
Monday: Heian-shodan, Junro-shodan & Junro-issei.
Tuesday: Heian-nidan, Junro-nidan & Joko

حارس شخصي

حارس شخصي (بالإنجليزية: Bodyguard‏) هو حارس أمن مسؤول عن حراسة شخص ما؛ غالبا ما يكون شخصية سياسية أو من مشاهير الفن أو من رموز المجتمع أو كبار الشخصيات ورجال الاعمال، ويكون مسؤولا عن حمايته من الاختطاف أو التعدي وفي العادة يكون الحارس الشخصي ذات بنية جسدية قوية ويكون مسلح ومدرب على الفنون القتالية المختلفة مثل الكارتيه أو الجودو أو الملاكمة وغيرها الغالبية العظمى من الحراس الشخصيين هم من الذكور

Expert aux arts martiaux & personal bodyguard

A bodyguard (or close protection officer)[1] is a type of security operative or government agent who protects a person—usually a famous, wealthy, or politically important figure—from assault, kidnapping, assassination, stalking, loss of confidential information, terrorist attack or other threats.
Most important public figures such as heads of state or governors are protected by several bodyguards or by a team of bodyguards from an agency, security forces, or police forces (e.g., in the U.S., the United States Secret Service or the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service). In most countries where the Head of state is and have always been also their military leader, the leader's bodyguards have traditionally been done by Royal Guards, Republican Guards and other elite military unit. Less-important public figures, or those with lower risk profiles, may be accompanied by a single bodyguard who doubles as a driver. A number of high-profile celebrities and CEOs also use bodyguards

Expert aux arts martiaux & personal bodyguard

personal bodyguard Mix Martial arts expert

Mourad Saihia _yahara mikio

Mourad Saihia

Chudan soto-uke

Yoko-keage ashi o kaete yoko-kekomi; (7) Jodan age-uke kara mawashi-geri, yoko uraken-uchi soshite chudan oi-zuki; (8) Chudan soto-uke kara yori-ashi (kiba-dachi) yoko empi-uchi, uraken-uchi soshite chudan gyaku-zuki; (9) Gedan barai kara chudan uchi-uke (neko-ashi dachi) soshite chudan gyaku-zuki; & (10) Chudan shuto-uke


Kihon1. (Jiyu-dachi) Tobi-konde jodan kizami-zuki kara sanbon-zuki.
2. (Jiyu-dachi) Tobi-konde jodan kizami-zuki kara chudan mae-geri soshite jodan oi-zuki.
3. (Kiba-dachi) Kosa-aiyumiashi yoko-keage ashi o kaete yoko-kekomi.
4. Ippo-sagatte jodan age-uke kara mawashi-geri, yoko uraken-uchi soshite